plug-in implements our melody extraction algorithm which obtained good
results in last year's MIREX Audio Melody Extraction campaign. Full
details of the algorithm are available in:
In addition to benchmarking new algorithms against MELODIA, we hope
it will serve the research community for research problems which could
benefit from a predominant F0 estimator (e.g. query by humming, version
identification, motif discovery and analysis, automatic transcription,
source separation, etc.).
For those of you attending ISMIR 2012, I will be demo-ing the plug-in during the Demos and Late-breaking track.
We are very interested in receiving feedback from the research community, please let us know what you think!
Best regards and hope to see you next week in Porto!
Justin Salamon, Emilia Gómez and the Music Technology Group of Universitat Pompeu Fabra.