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Special issue on the Listening Talker (deadline approaching)

Dear list

This special issue may be of interest to the list. Please note the submission deadline of 14th October. 


Special issue of Computer Speech and Language on

       ‘The Listening Talker’

When talkers speak, they also listen. Talkers routinely adapt 
to their interlocutors and environment, maintaining intelligibility 
and dialogue fluidity to facilitate the efficient exchange of 
information. In contrast, current speech output technology is 
largely deaf, incapable of adapting to the listener’s context, 
inefficient in use and lacking the naturalness that comes from 
rapid appreciation of the speaker-listener environment. As a 
result, there is no guarantee that the intended message is 
intelligible, appropriate or well-timed, which can lead to divided 
attention and fatigue in safety-critical situations. A key scientific 
challenge is to better understand how ‘talker-listeners’ respond 
to context and to apply these findings to the modification of 
natural (live/recorded) and generated (synthetic) speech in 
applications such as dialogue, public address and 
navigation systems.

Submissions to the special issue are invited on any aspect 
of the listening talker, including but not limited to:

• theories/models of human communication involving the listening talker 
• human speech production modifications induced by noise
• speech production changes with manipulated feedback
• algorithms/vocoders for speech modification
• transformations from casual to clear speech
• characterisation of the listening context
• intelligibility and quality metrics for modified speech

See http://www.journals.elsevier.com/computer-speech-and-language/ 
for the aims and scope of the journal. Authors should follow the 
Elsevier Computer Speech and Language manuscript format described 
at the journal site. Prospective authors should submit an electronic 
copy of their manuscript via http://ees.elsevier.com/csl/, selecting 
“Special Issue: listening Talker”.


Submission deadline: October 14, 2012 
First round of reviews complete: Feb 1, 2013
Final version of manuscripts: May 1, 2013 
Target publication date: September 1, 2013

Guest Editors

Martin Cooke, Ikerbasque (Basque Science Foundation), 
Spain, m.cooke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

Simon King, University of Edinburgh, UK,

Bastiaan Kleijn, Victoria University Wellington, 
New Zealand, bastiaan.kleijn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 

Yannis Stylianou, FORTH Institute of Computer Science, 
Crete, Greece, styliano@xxxxxxxxxxxx