Dear List, We are attempting to locate more updated norms for ipsilateral acoustic reflexes than the data generated by Wiley, T.L., Oviatt, D. L. And Block, M. G. (1987) Acoustic-immittance measures in normal ears.
J Speech Hear Res. 330, 161-170 (see page 162). Also, Wiley et al.’s data are based on normal-hearing participants. Any norms available for those with hearing loss (for ipsi reflexes) Similar to the approach Silman & Gelfand (1981) and Gelfand, Schwander & Silman (1990) used for contra reflexes? Many thanks for your time and consideration, Kim
MNZAS-CCC, Research Audiologist DDI: +649 923 9125 Internal: Ext. 89125 Postal Address: The University of Auckland Tāmaki
Innovation Campus Section of Audiology Private Bag, 92019 Auckland, New Zealand, 1142 |