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"M.I.R. and Creation" Workshop @ IRCAM June 2nd, 2012/ More info

(sorry for possible corss-posting)

This is a reminder (for those interrested) for the
first workshop on "M.I.R. for Creation"  that will be held @iRCAM, June 2nd, 2012 and to which you are welcome.
    Considering that the capacity of the conference room is limited, please drop me an email if you plan to come so that you'll be able to enter the workshop.

Abstract: Music Information Retrieval (MIR) has been for a long time associated to the extraction of information from already-created and already-recorded music in order to facilitate search, navigation and access over music collections.
In this workshop, we study how MIR by becoming Music Information Research has extended its scope and is now used for the creation process itself. We invite key-actors to give their point-of-view on the present and future of MIR for creation, being at the composition, interaction, performance or research level, at the audio, symbolic and database level.

This workshop is supported by the MIReS project (7th Framework European Project) "Roadmap for Music Information ReSearch"

Workshop speakers: Philippe Manoury, Tristan Jehan (EchoNest), François Pachet (Sony-CSL), Sergi Jorda (MTG,IUA/UPF), Gérard Assayag (iRCAM), Norbert Schnell (iRCAM), Diemo Schwarz (iRCAM)

Date: Saturday, June 2nd, 2012 from 9.45am to 6pm
Location: iRCAM – Centre Pompidou, 1, pl. Igor Stravinsky – 75004 Paris, France - ROOM: Stravinsky room

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