On 28/03/2012 09:05, Tamas Harczos wrote: I believe, as I wrote in our ISH paper of 1992 that "It was introduced by Aertsen and Johannesma (1980) and used by de Boer and de Jongh (1978) to characterise 'revcor' data from cats." The full references are below.I am looking for the first time use of the term "gammatone". What I remember from talking to Egbert de Boer is that he coined the term in the late 1970's but did not use it in de Boer and de Jongh (1978). A little later, Aertsen used it in the paper with Johannesma. Johannesma originally developed the function in 1972 but did not name it in that paper. The Aertsen and Johannesma (1980)paper is on grass frogs and it is in Biol. Cybern. which may help explain why there is a mystery about where the name came from. For those interested in the development and use of gammatone and gammachirp auditory filters, we provided an overview as Appendix A of Patterson, R.D. , Unoki, M. and Irino, T.
"Extending the domain of center frequencies for the compressive
auditory filter." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 114(3), 1529-1542. Best regards, Roy Patterson References:
Aertsen, A. M. J. H. and P. I. M. Johannesma
Spectro-temporal receptive fields of auditory neurons in the
grassfrog. I.
Characterisation of tonal and natural stimuli. Biol. Cybern., 38,
223-234. Patterson, R.D., Robinson, K., Holdsworth, J.,
McKeown, D.,
Zhang, C. and Allerhand M. (1992) 'Complex sounds and auditory
images', In:
Auditory physiology and perception, Proceedings of the 9h
Symposium on Hearing, Y Cazals, L. Demany, K. Horner (eds),
Pergamon, Oxford,
429-446. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37237083/CNBHpapers/Petal_ISH92.pdf For those who might be interested, the section of the ISH paper introducing the gammatone auditory filterbank reads as follows: Spectral Analysis. The gammatone filter
is defined in the
time domain by its impulse response. gt(t) = a t(n-1) exp(-2pbt) cos(2p fct + Ã)
(t>0) (1) It was introduced by Aertsen and Johannesma
(1980) and used
by de Boer and de Jongh (1978) to characterise 'revcor' data from cats. The
primary parameters
of the filter are b and n: b largely etermines the duration of the impulse response
and thus,the
bandwidth of the filter; n is the order of the filter and it largely determines the slope
of the
skirts. When the order of the filter is in the range 3-5, the shape of the magnitude characteristic
of the
gammatone filter is very similar to that of the roex(p) filter commonly used to represent the
characteristic of the human auditory filter (Patterson and Moore, 1986). Glasberg and Moore
(1990) have
recently summarised human data on the Equivalent Rectangular Bandwidth (ERB) of
the auditory
filter with the equation: ERB = 24.7(4.37fc/1000 + 1) (2) This function is essentially the same as the
frequency position' function that Greenwood (1990) suggests is the physiological basis for
the 'critical
band' function. Together Equations 1 and 2 define a gammatone auditory filterbank if one
includes the
common assumption that the filter centre frequencies are distributed across frequency in
to their bandwidth. When fc/b is large, as it is in the auditory case, the bandwidth of
the filter is
proportional to b, and the proportionality constant only depends on the filter order, n.
When the order
is 4, b is 1.019 ERB. The 3-dB bandwidth of the gammatone filter is 0.887
times the ERB
(Patterson, Holdsworth, Nimmo-Smith and Rice, 1988). -- Roy Patterson Centre for the Neural Basis of Hearing Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EG phone +44 (0) 1223 333819 fax 333840 email: rdp1@xxxxxxxxx http://www.pdn.cam.ac.uk/groups/cnbh/ http://www.AcousticScale.org |