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Two Post-doctoral Research Fellowships at the Army Research Laboratory (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Fellowship/Auditory Research: Two postdoctoral fellowships in auditory research are available at the Human Research and Engineering Directorate, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. 

THE TWO TOPIC DESCRIPTIONS ARE BELOW. The successful applicant should have a doctoral degree in acoustics, psychology, audio technology, audiology, hearing science, computer science, or other related discipline; be a U.S. citizen; and have or be able to obtain a secret security clearance. Familiarity with digital audio and programming expertise in Matlab, Visual Basic, or C++ is a plus but not required. The initial contract is for a twelve month period with the possibility of extension for another twelve-month period. The stipend is determined according to the OPM salary table for GS-12 depending on experience. More information about the position may be obtained from Dr. Angelique Scharine at the address given below. Formal applications including a letter of intent, curriculum vitae, and the names of three references should be sent to: 

E-mail: angelique.a.scharine.civ@xxxxxxxx
Phone: (410) 278-5957
Fax: (410) 278-3587
Angelique Scharine
Perceptual Sciences Branch
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
520 Mulberry Point Road
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005 

The application deadline is 15 April, 2012. If no acceptable candidate is found by the deadline, applications will be accepted until the position is filled

AUDITORY CHANGE DEAFNESS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MASKING: This research will be centered on ways to reduce the auditory information available to enemy forces about squad activities by minimizing and manipulating one's (individual or squad) auditory/audiovisual signature. Candidates interested in this post doctoral position should have a solid foundation in auditory or audiovisual perception and electro-acoustics as well as an understanding of the role factors such as attention and experience play in the detection of relevant changes to one's environment. 

AUDITORY PERFORMANCE MODELING: The physical effects of a Soldier's environment and equipment often translate to changes in auditory performance as measured through behavioral performance on measures of detection, recognition and localization. The development and refinement of a predictive model, based on the physical changes to the auditory waveform would serve as a human factors tool for design and acquisition of personal protective equipment and other materiel solutions. Candidates interested in this post doctoral position should have substantial experience with the quantitative statistical methods used for modeling in a relevant discipline such as quantitative psychology, mathematics, physics, engineering, or computer science.

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE