Post-doctoral positions are available in the Cognitive NeuroImaging Unit / NeuroSpin MEG group near Paris (France) to work with Dr Virginie van Wassenhove . Applications are invited from talented, dynamic, committed, and enthusiastic researchers. The scientific project will be exploring the interface between time perception, temporal processes and cortical dynamics (assessed by MEG/EEG). Specific components of this project include (but are not restricted to): novel psychophysical designs addressing time estimation and the dynamics of multisensory processing together with novel analytical methods for MEG/EEG signal analysis/tracking. The ideal applicant will have a sound experience with MEG (and/or EEG techniques), a strong record in Cognitive Neurosciences and an overall good set of skills in applied signal processing. A degree in Neurosciences, Cognitive Neurosciences, Psychology or other related fields is required. Programming skills are a plus. Applicants will be expected to conduct MEG experiments, from acquisition to data analysis - other techniques are not excluded (EEG, fMRI for instance). Their intellectual contribution to the project is strongly encouraged. Our group is located in a state-of-the-art neuroimaging facility (NeuroSpin: and is part of a large scientific community in the Parisian area. The application package should contain a motivated letter of intent, a detailed résumé with a list of publications, and contact information from at least two senior researchers. Inquiries and applications should be sent to Virginie.van-Wassenhove@xxxxxx or Virginie.van.Wassenhove@xxxxxxxxx Please, put POSTDOC in the email subject. Applications will be considered until the positions are filled. PI’s list of publications: Job description Candidates requirements *Applicants from outside the European Union are very welcome but they must qualify for a valid visa. * French speaking is not a requirement as long as English is mastered. Opportunities for French language classes are available. Conditions Application package CV (including a list of publications) ------------ Virginie van Wassenhove, PhD CEA/DSV/I2BM/NeuroSpin -- Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit (INSERM U992) -- Bât 145 - Point Courrier 156 -- Gif-sur-Yvette F-91191 FRANCE W: +33(0) -- Cell: +33(0) -- Virginie.van-Wassenhove@xxxxxx -- Virginie.van.Wassenhove@xxxxxxxxx |