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ISAAR 2011 Scholarships

SCHOLARSHIPS ISAAR 2011, 24-26 August.


ISAAR offer a limited number of scholarships to young scientists 
(e.g. PhD-students, post-doctoral students, and others) that would
like to participate with a scientific contribution at an ISAAR 
symposium. The scholarship covers the symposium fee for full 
participation and accommodation. Travel expenses are not covered.

A written application must be submitted by email to the organizers 
(see website) no later than two months before the meeting.

Eligibility Criteria:
Young scientists or students in Auditory and Audiological Research 
or related areas. Accepted oral or poster presentation at ISAAR symposium.

The application should include:
A full CV including relevant contact information.
A statement about the need for financial assistance to attend the 
ISAAR symposium.
An abstract of the paper submission.
A short statement why participation in ISAAR is important for the 
applicant's scientific development.
Supporting documents (academic certificates).
Letter of reference from supervisor.

On behalf of the organizing committee
Torben Poulsen

Torben Poulsen
Department of Electrical Engineering, Hearing Systems and Communication
Technical University of Denmark
Building 352, DTU, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Phone: +45 4525 3940 (office), +45 4525 3930 (dep)
Mobile: +45 2326 0420, Fax: +45 4588 0577
www.elektro.dtu.dk ; http://server.elektro.dtu.dk/personal/tp/
e-mail: tp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ISAAR: www.isaar.eu
Symposium sponsored by GN ReSound through the Danavox Jubilee Foundation