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Re: A/P, relative pitch, mel scale and laterality of the brain

>From my reading it would appear that the mel scale is less of a 'scale' [an object], than it is of 'scaling', [a process or function], which might place this in the right hemisphere. Is there work on a lateral preference (or difference) for the mel 'scale'?

Are people with A/P able to 'hear' the mel scaling?


On 2011, Mar 8, at 12:36 AM, Pierre Divenyi wrote:

> The mel scale is a fictional approximation of Greenwood's well-thought-out and meticulously researched formula. It's hemispheric location may be debated after reaching an agreement that it exists.
> -Pierre
> On 3/7/11 7:51 PM, "Kevin Austin" <kevin.austin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Oversimplified, in The Master and his Emissary
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Master_and_His_Emissary
>> http://www.iainmcgilchrist.com/comments.asp
>> I think Iain McGilchrist attributes 'absolute' [object] perceptions to the left hemisphere, and 'relative' [relational / process] perceptions to the right hemisphere.
>> Would this indicate that those with absolute pitch process pitch in the left hemisphere and those with relative pitch process pitch in the right hemisphere?
>> If this is the case, in which hemisphere will the mel scale be processed?
>> Thanks for your thoughts / knowledge / ideas on this.
>> Kevin