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CFP - 2nd Intl Workshop Social Behavior in Music

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                        CALL FOR PAPERS


			SBM2011 - Social Behavior in Music
			  Genova, Italy, May 27, 2011

Workshop in the framework of Intl. Intetain 2011 Conference

Music making and listening are a clear example of human activities that are
above all interactive and social. On the one hand, however, nowadays
mediated music making and listening is usually still a passive, non-context
sensitive, and non-social experience. The current electronic technologies,
with their potential for interactivity and communication, have not yet been
able to fully support and promote these essential aspects. On the other
hand, new mediated forms of sharing music experience in a social context
with local or remote users or as a part of a community are emerging. Novel
research challenges are faced and novel disciplines develops, e.g., Social
Signal Processing. Foundational issues such us techniques for identifying
the leader in a group of users, for measuring the cohesion of the group, for
recognizing and stimulating empathy between the participants, find in music
an ideal test-bed for research and for scientific and technological
investigation. In this framework, new paradigms for embodied and active
experience of music are needed, where multimodal non-verbal communication
channels, and in particular movement and gesture, play a central role.
Perspectives such as pervasive embodied social music networks, grounded on
the Future Internet, become a concrete scenario for the near future.
This workshop focuses on the social signals and their features that are most
significant for a qualitative and quantitative analysis of social behavior
and experience in music. It will discuss computational models, algorithms,
and techniques for analysis of social behavior in music, their application
in concrete test-beds, their evaluation in experimental set-ups, and their
exploitation in future scenarios. The workshop will explore many-to-many
human interplay, such as performer-listener, performer-performer,
performer-conductor, and listener-listener interaction, in novel scenarios
where the distinction between listeners and performers fades out and users
become producers and consumers of music experience.
The Second International Workshop on Social Behavior in Music (SBM2011)
represents an occasion for researchers and practitioners to meet and discuss
about social behavior in music: e.g., which are the multimodal signals
characterizing social experience in performers and listeners interplay?; how
to model interaction in groups of performers, in the audience, between
audience and performers?; which is the minimal set of low-level features
describing interaction in performance? which are the social signals that
better describe social interaction in music? To face such challenges,
integration is needed of research in engineering and physics, as well as in
human sciences, e.g., social psychology.

We encourage contributions addressing fundamental research issues including,
but not limited to, the following topics:
- theoretical approaches to social behavior in music
- experimental methodologies for analysis of social behavior in music
- computational models of social behavior in music
- analysis of social signals in music
- synchronization of human behavior in music
- analysis of social roles in performers and listeners
- analysis of cohesion in performers and audience
- multimodal interfaces for active and social music experience
- cooperative social environments for participative music experience
- multi-user systems and applications for social music experience

All the contributions will be subject to a peer-review by the Program
Committee. Submissions should include: title, author(s), affiliation(s),
e-mail address(es), tel/fax number(s), and postal address(es). Submissions
must be sent to the following email address: sbm11@xxxxxxxxxxxx
All accepted contributions will be presented at the workshop as oral
presentation. Contributions may have an accompanying demo. Accepted
contributions will appear in LNICST, under the joint publication series of
ICST and Springer. Authors of accepted contributions will be required to
submit a camera ready version. At least one author for each accepted
contribution is required to attend the workshop to present the work.
Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts electronically on the
workshop website (www.infomus.org/SBM2011). 
Papers should be formatted according to LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer
Science) format. Instructions can be found here:
Manuscripts should be 6 pages maximum, including references, tables, and

March 21, 2011	Submissions Deadline
April 10, 2011	Notification of Acceptance
April 22, 2011	Camera ready version due to electronic form
May 27, 2011	SBM2011 Workshop

Giovanna Varni
Gualtiero Volpe
Antonio Camurri

Anton Nijholt (University of Twente, the Netherlands)	
Luciano Fadiga (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy)
Peter Keller (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Esteban Maestre (Pompeu Fabra University, Spain)
Ginevra Castellano (Queen Mary University of London, UK)

The workshop is partially supported by the EU-ICT-FET Project SIEMPRE.