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ISMIS 2011 - Call for Papers

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International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems
ISMIS 2011 - Call for Papers:
We invite you to submit original unpublished manuscripts that demonstrate
current research relevant to one of the ISMIS topics of interest to
ISMIS 2011 Symposium in Warsaw, Poland, June 28-30, 2011.
Papers should be prepared following Springer LNCS/LNAI style (please see this page),
maximum 10 pages and submitted via ISMIS 2011 Online Submission System:
More details on ISMIS 2011 can be found on: http://ismis2011.ii.pw.edu.pl.
The ISMIS 2011 proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in LNAI
(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).

Paper submission deadline: February 7,  2011
Notification of the review results: March 21, 2011
Final Paper due: April 4, 2011

ISMIS 2011 Contest is announced on: http://ismis2011.ii.pw.edu.pl/contest.php.
ISMIS 2011 Invited Presentations:
Jaime Carbonell (CMU)
"Proactive Machine Learning, methods and applications"

Andrzej CzyÅewski (GdaÅsk Univ. of Technology, Poland)
"Intelligent multimedia solutions supporting special education needs"

Donato Malerba (Univ. Bari, Italy)
"Spatial and spatio-temporal data mining"

Luc De Raedt (Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Belgium)
"Towards programming languages for machine learning"

The archetypal data-renaissance man is mathematician, statistician, computer scientist, machine learner, and engineer all rolled into one.
-Bradford Cross, Flightcaster's Head of Research