How does music shape the developing brain? How can music aid recovery from neurological disorders? Can music be a way to overcome limitations and enhance function for individuals with autism? These questions and more will be explored in a day- long symposium on neuroscience, healing and music at Harvard University. The symposium will explore the intersection between music, science, and medicine through a series of talks, panel discussion, musical performances, and networking. This symposium will be of interest to musicians, scientists, physicians, and others interested in the fascinating intersection between the arts and sciences.
WHO: Longwood Symphony Orchestra and The Laboratory at Harvard present a symposium on music and healing.
WHAT: Symposium: Crossing the Corpus Callosum II: Neuroscience, Healing & Music
WHEN: Saturday, January 29, 2011, 9am-5pm
WHERE: The Laboratory, Northwest Building Harvard University // 52 Oxford Street Cambridge, MA 02138
COST: Registration includes refreshments $50 Adults, $25 Students with School ID, On-site Registration – $60 Adults/ $30 Students with School ID
*** The Provost has generously offered to subsidize the registration fee for a number of Harvard students. If you are interested please contact suelin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Register here or by phone at 617.667.1527
The mission of Longwood Symphony Orchestra, the orchestra of Boston’s medical community, is to perform concerts of musical diversity and excellence, while supporting health-related nonprofit organizations through public performances.
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Crossing the Corpus Callosum II summary.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document