Dear everyone.
I’m searching for bee sound file. I need a ‘static’ bee sound file, which means the bee doesn’t move therefore there’s no Doppler effect or amplitude variation or anything like that. I’m developing Doppler effect of model-based virtual moving source so I need such a static source.
I can’t find such a sound file from google. Instead of bee sound a lot, lot of bee gees comes out T T .
I tried to synthesize using sawtooth wave and linear prediction(as I read from the AES 127 convention paper ‘3d sound synthesis of a honeybee swarm’ and actually it is from Heikki Ahlgren’s master thesis work’Sound synthesis and control of virtual insects’) but it doesn’t give me good result(maybe my fault but I don’t know why T T)
So,… I would really appreciate if anyone send me such a ‘static’ bee sound source! !
Thank you in advance.
Keunwoo Choi
최근우 Keunwoo Choi