The world has lost a great one.
Harriet B. Jacobster, Au.D.
Board Certified in Audiology
Brian Gygi wrote:
Les Paul, innovative guitarist, inventor and all-around delightful
person died at 94. Most of you know him, but for those who might be
unfamiliar with him, he was an autodidact who developed the electric
guitar, multitrack recording, delay, and many other staples of modern
recording (he also was the first to record pieces at a slower speed wo
when it was played at normal speed it sounded like he was playing much
faster than he really could). He was truly an original.
?Honestly, I never strove to be an Edison,? he said in a 1991 interview
in The New York Times. ?The only reason I invented these things was
because I didn?t have them and neither did anyone else. I had no
choice, really.?