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classical (and fun) experiments in psychoacoustics?


I am starting a hands-on auditory experimentation course at the University of Montreal this fall, and I'd like for the students to experience some of the 'classical' experiments in psychoacoustics. My candidates so far are (versions of) loudness scaling, temporal integration of loudness, the lower limit of pitch, Patterson's notched noise method to measure critical bands, possibly some experiments on auditory aftereffects, categorical perception of vowels, masking (and how it relates to mp3 encoding), virtual pitch perception (missing fundamental), and one or two of Al Bregman's auditory streaming experiments.

Does anyone have a suggestion for other interesting/fun/instructive experiments? I am particular interested in strong perceptual effects that we would be able to measure in one session. The plan is to pose the problem, let the students come up with ideas for experiments, go through the experimental design process, and collect some data that can be compared to the original study.


Marc Schoenwiesner, PhD
International Laboratory for Brain
Music and Sound Research (BRAMS)
Pavillon 1420 Mont-Royal
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Québec           __o
Canada,  H2V 4P3         _`\<,_
fax: 514-343-2175       (+)/ (+)
tel: 514-343-6111 x3181
lab website: www.brams.org

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