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Re: Roughness in audio and vision

Hi Bryan -

Bryan Pardo wrote:
Some colleagues of mine are interested in the relationship between roughness in visual images and audio images. They sent me the following questions they were thinking about in hopes that I might be able to provide some references to get them started. I figured this is just the mailing list to get some pointers to papers. If any of these questions make you think of a paper or two, I’d appreciate your emailing the reference.

1) Do we have a reliable method to measure the roughness of a given a natural sound or image?

For images I wouldn't know (maybe some measure of fractal dimension? http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.39.1500 ) but for sound, I keep finding papers where auditory roughness is said to be related to fast amplitude modulation (AM), e.g.

Joder et al (2009), TASLP

which references a thesis I haven't read (Eronen 2001) as the source of their method for measuring AM in the 10--40 Hz range.

2) How could one synthesis sound clips (and images) with ascending or descending order of roughness?

If that kind of AM does indeed cause auditory roughness then synthesising is easy, just change the depth of the AM.

3) How can acoustic roughness influence the perceived roughness of the vision?

Good question!


Dan Stowell
Centre for Digital Music
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road, London E1 4NS