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Postdoc Position in Human Functional Genomics and Neuroimaging

Postdoc Position in Human Functional Genomics and Neuroimaging


A postdoc position is available in the laboratories of Patrick Wong (cognitive neuroscientist) and Jing Zheng (molecular biologist) at Northwestern University.  The position is funded by a high-risk/high-impact grant from the NIH to study the functional genomics of human communication, including complex auditory processing, language learning and their neural bases.  Individuals from a broad array of disciplines are welcome to apply, especially those with experience in genetic methods who have strong quantitative skills.  Willingness to learn/combine a multitude of interdisciplinary techniques to solve complex problems and the ability to think broadly is essential. Background in population genetics and/or biological anthropology is desirable.  Previous experience with human neuroimaging is not required.  The position is open until filled. The Chicago area offers world-class metropolitan, suburban, and rural living possibilities within a 30-mile radius for individuals of diverse backgrounds and interests. Candidates should email CV to Patrick Wong (pwong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).  Visit www.soc.northwestern.edu/wong for more information about our work.




Patrick Wong

Associate Professor

Communication Sciences and Disorders

Northwestern University  +1 847 491 2416 (phone)

2240 Campus Drive        +1 847 491 2429 (fax)

Evanston, IL 60208        FSB 3-365 (office location)



Email: pwong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Webpage: http://www.soc.northwestern.edu/wong/index.html