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Re: Term for 'window of integration'

Thank you.

I like the term: "critical flicker fusion rate (CFF)" from the Wiki entry. I too suspect that this varies for auditory stimulus, partly because of streaming, and partly also because it is possible to have the same rate of stimulus with different results.

Consider a 60Hz pulse wave (16.6 ms) played over a 12 channel sound system where each loudspeaker receives a pulse every 200 ms, delayed by 16.6 ms. From any one loudspeaker there is a 5 Hz pulse stream; from any two adjacent speakers there is still a 5 Hz pulse stream, but the "pulse" is now a 'two pulse complex'.

If these two speakers are facing my left ear, they will most likely fuse, but if I put my head between the speakers so that each ear (simply) receives the pulse from that speaker, what will my perception be? And expend this to 3, 4, 5 speakers ... at what point does the "n-pulse complex" cease to be a 5 Hz "tone", an fuse into a 60Hz tone. There is an area of sound art loosely called 'micro-montage' (or micro-editing) which plays in the area below 60 ms.



On 2008, Dec 3, at 1:39 PM, Ross Deas wrote:


you probably already know this, but in the visual domain the term for a rapidly oscillating visual stimulus that is perceived as continuous is the "flicker fusion threshold" (wikipedia link below).


It's well established within the visual domain - but I suspect that it might vary for auditory stimuli.

Hope this helps,
Ross Deas

On 3 Dec 2008, at 16:28, Kevin Austin wrote:

On another list, we are looking for the correct (scientific) term to describe the region between (about) 16 and 24 Hz where discrete events begin to be perceived as continuous events (in some circumstances), eg clicks to tones, continuous motion in film etc.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


Ross W. Deas
School of Psychology
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD