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FW: Autistic Source Localisation

I've an enquiry from a former student (below) about auditory selective attention in autism spectrum disorders. Is anyone on this list working in this area?
Dr Peter Lennox
Director of Signal Processing and Applications Research Group (SPARG)
School of Technology,
Faculty of Arts, design and Technology University of Derby, UK
(01332) 593155
-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Lyon [mailto:nick.lyon01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 November 2008 12:29
To: Peter Lennox
Subject: Autistic Source Localisation
Hi Peter,
I trust all is well up in Derby.
I am currently helping someone with a design project and as part of the research we wanted to look at source localisation by autistic people. Due to the way they process/percieve sound they find it very difficult to focus on a single source.
Anyway, I thought I would drop you a quick email to see if you have any information or know of any referneces we should be checking out?
Thanks in advance,