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Re: Chair in Neuroscience at Lancaster Unuiversity
Dear List,
Please see the advert below for a new Chair in Neuroscience at the Psychology Department of Lancaster University.
http://www.personnel.lancs.ac.uk/vacancydets.aspx?jobid=A099 <http://www.personnel.lancs.ac.uk/vacancydets.aspx?jobid=A099>
A few words about the environment:
The Sensory Neuroscience Unit (SNU) was founded in 2005, with the aim of combining behavioural measures of human perception with modern brain-imaging techniques including EEG and TMS. The Department has recently invested in two state-of-the-art EEG systems (Electrical Geodesics 128-channel system, and Intelligent Hearing Systems EP system). The SNU also houses three new IAC double-walled sound-attenuating booths, optimised for EEG recordings and psychoacoustic measurements. For three-dimensional recordings of human movement, a multi-camera optical tracking system (MacReflex) is available.
The Lancaster Hearing Group has close ties with the Audiology and Deafness (A&D) Group at the University of Manchester, a leading international centre for translational hearing research. Prof. Chris Plack from A&D is a Visiting Professor at Lancaster, and works at Lancaster one day a week. This includes a meeting of the Lancaster Hearing Group. Plack is developing projects with Turgeon, Mattock, and Monaghan, on topics including the temporal coding of pitch, neural coding of linguistic tone, vibrotactile modulation of tinnitus, speech segmentation by infants with cochlear implants, and the perception of infant vocalisations.
Martine Turgeon, Lecturer
Department of Psychology,
Fylde College
Lancaster University,
Lancaster, LA1 4YF
+44 (0) 152 459 3220 (phone)
+44 (0) 152 459 3744 (FAX)
MY NEW EMAIL IS: m.turgeon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx