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Post-doc position in auditory neurosciences

Postdoctoral position available from fall 2008 in The Laboratory of Integrative and Adaptative Neurobiology (Marseille, France).

Subject: Plasticity of the auditory cortex after diverse acoustic environment manipulations. Neural responses will be assessed in guinea pigs using two complementary techniques: extracellular electrophysiology (spikes and local field potentials recorded simultaneously - in anesthetized and possibly awake animals), and optical imaging with voltage-sensitive dye (in anesthetized animals). Markedly, cortical plasticity after a hearing loss (equivalent to a reduction of sensory inputs in a given frequency band) will be studied in the context of understanding the mechanisms of tinnitus (a phantom auditory perception). In addition to animal studies, the candidate will also contribute to experiments on tinnitus patients and test promising approaches aiming at reducing their sensation of tinnitus.

Motivated candidates should hold a PhD in neuroscience or related field. Prior experience in extracellular electrophysiology and/or optical imaging is preferable. Interest in the neural correlate of auditory perception is mandatory. The selected candidate will be expected to independently analyze data and write scientific papers for peer-reviewed journals. A good knowledge of Matlab is preferable, knowledge of French is not required. The candidate will be encouraged to test his own ideas/hypotheses as long as the required project is moving forward. Salary will depend on qualifications and experience. Submit a curriculum vitae and cover letter to arnaud.norena@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:arnaud.norena@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>