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Re: AUDITORY Digest - 12 Aug 2008 to 13 Aug 2008 (#2008-162)

I don't consider the findings controversial. I found essentially the same thing in unpublished work I did in 1996. Probably the only reason for the low number of citations for Fujisaki and Kashino is that there hasn't been a lot written on AP since 2002.
Dan Levitin

Date:    Wed, 13 Aug 2008 00:40:24 -0400
From:    "Bruno L. Giordano" <bruno.giordano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Absolute pitch & discrimination abilities

Dear list,

some time ago I read a paper that compares discrimination abilities in
absolute pitch (AP) and relative pitch listeners (Fujisaki and Kashino,

The paper reports some experiments showing that AP possessors do not
have superior frequency, temporal and spatial resolution; along these
lines is the review by Levitin and Rogers (2005): "AP possessors do not
have an exceptional acuity".

I apologize for my ignorance of the rather vast literature on AP: my
question is whether the findings by Fujisaki and Kashino (2002) are
controversial or absolutely uncontroversial (they are cited only three
times, including the Wikipedia entry on absolute pitch).

Thank you.

All the best,
