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Community-based Signal Separation Evaluation Campaign Reminder

Dear colleagues,

We would like to remind you the July 25th deadline for evaluation proposals to be run as part of the 1st Community-based Signal Separation Evaluation Campaign (SiSEC 2008).

Two evaluations for audio data have been proposed so far on http://sisec.wiki.irisa.fr/.

We encourage you to
- have your say about these proposals and tell us if you plan to participate
- propose evaluations for other types of data (e.g. biomedical, images, telecoms, etc)

For more information, see http://sisec.wiki.irisa.fr/.

Best regards,

Emmanuel Vincent, Shoko Araki and Pau Bofill

                *** FIRST CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ***

               1st Community-based Signal Separation
                        Evaluation Campaign
                            (SiSEC 2008)


            Evaluation proposal deadline: July 25, 2008

Do you have an algorithm for source separation of e.g. audio, biomedical, astromomical or image data? Or are you interested in this challenging issue? Then you should take part in the first community-based endeavor for the evaluation of source separation algorithms.

Building upon previous initiatives, this campaign aims to let researchers discuss and agree over all aspects of evaluation, including datasets and evaluation criteria. We organizers will address the time-consuming issues of collecting and evaluating the results submitted by all participants.

As a first step, we are issuing a call for evaluation proposals. A second call for the submission of separation results will follow.

A proposal should consist of at least:
- a title
- suggestions for relevant data (including how they might be obtained and possible copyright issues) - a short description of the task(s) to be addressed, with reference software blocks for each task if available, so as to help newcomers participate
- suggestions for evaluation criteria
- a list of potential participants (names, email addresses)

Two audio datasets are already proposed as a starting point. All proposals should be disseminated and discussed with potential participants before July 25, 2008.

Interested individuals are encouraged to join the SiSEC mailing list at https://listes.irisa.fr/sympa/info/sisec. For more information about the campaign, see http://sisec.wiki.irisa.fr/.

Best regards,

Emmanuel Vincent, Shoko Araki and Pau Bofill