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Postdoctoral RA position

Research Associate - University College London

Applications are invited for a full-time Research Associate post in the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, UCL. The postholder will play a central role in a Wellcome Trust funded project that will examine auditory specialization for native language phonemes. The project will involve cross-language comparisons of phonetic perception by native speakers of English, Japanese, and Sinhala, using both behavioural and MEG measures. The project will be under the direction of Paul Iverson and Stuart Rosen, with MEG work in collaboration with Alex Leff and Tim Griffiths (Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging). The ideal candidate would have experience conducting high-quality speech perception research, knowledge of MEG or EEG, and a good ability to recruit subjects.
For further information about the post, application forms, and  
application procedure, see:

Informal enquiries are welcome and should be directed to Paul Iverson, p.iverson@xxxxxxxxx .
The closing date for applications is Friday, 4 July 2008.

UCL is Taking Action For Equality

Paul Iverson, Ph.D.
UCL Division of Psychology & Language Sciences
Chandler House
2 Wakefield Street
London WC1N 1PF
