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MATLAB software testing

Dear list members,

we (i.e. Alessandro Soranzo and I) just wrote a MATLAB toolbox that
enables to estimate auditory thresholds by means of the maximum
likelihood procedure developed by David Green (JASA, 1990, 1993).

The toolbox contains the functions to implement the procedure together
with a few of signal generators and modifiers.

We are now testing the toolbox, but we do not have the possibility to
test it on a mac or a linux operative system (or on many computers in

If there is anybody out there that needs this toolbox, wants to
have a quick go with it, (possibly) uses one of the above
operative systems, we would be more than pleased to forward the
material. Together with the toolbox we will send a short text file with
the "how to use" instructions. Any suggestion will be welcome.

The toolbox requires MATLAB 7 (or higher) and nothing else.

As soon as the testing will end, we will send the link to the (possibly)
bug free toolbox for free download (and vandalisation).

Ciao e grazie a tutti,
ps: If any of you is really (but really) interested I can also send a
draft copy of the paper we are preparing for Behavior Research Methods
where the toolbox (as well as the theory behind it) is described.

Massimo Grassi - PhD
Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale
Via Venezia 8 - 35131 Padova - Italy