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Re: [Icad] Pointers to snoring sounds?


I don't know if you mean the World Soundscape Project, but in case you didn't - it was an initiative in the 70s led by R.M. Schafer and Barry Truax...Barry still hosts the huge library of recordings of contextual, environmental sounds at SFU - a large part of it is digitized and available royalty-free, as well as indexed (so you can find specific instances of sound). If you are interested, I can probably help make the contact with Barry, of you could approach him directly at truax@xxxxxx
Hope this helps - your project sounds interesting!


Bruce Walker wrote:
Auditory Community,

I am looking for any pointers to collections or archives of real- world audio or video clips of snoring.
In fact, I will also be looking for all kinds of daily life sounds,  
ranging from birds chirping to ambulances to dishwashers.
The sounds or video need to be good quality, real-world, and royalty- 
free. I already have collections of sound effects and foley sounds;  for 
this project I will need more "real-world" audio, and more  variety. I 
am particularly interested in ecological audio, where the  snoring, 
dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, fire engine, etc., is recorded  in its 
natural acoustic environment, complete with competing  environmental 
sounds. For example, snoring recorded in a bedroom at  night, or a fire 
engine siren recorded live on the street, with other  traffic noise, 
jackhammers, and so on.
I recall a project a few years ago to capture sounds of the  world...any 
pointers/updates on that?
Any help would be most appreciated!


Bruce Walker, Ph.D.       bruce.walker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
School of Psychology            (404) 894-8265 (office)
Georgia Institute of Technology    (404) 894-8905 (fax)
654 Cherry Street,  Atlanta,  Georgia,  USA   30332-0170
     Web:  http://sonify.psych.gatech.edu/~walkerb/

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