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job opening

Dear list,

there is another open professorship at Oldenburg University, Germany.
If you are interested: please contact Georg Klump
(georg.klump@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) for further information.

Best regards, Volker Hohmann


The Institute of Biology and Environmental Sciences at the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences invites applications for a tenured
faculty position to further develop hearing sciences within the Lower
Saxonian "Centre for Hearing Research". The following position can be
filled starting from 1 May 2008:

Professor of Cochlea/Brainstem Physiology (W2)

We seek outstanding candidates with an established research program in
auditory physiology on the cellular or systemic level. The successful
applicant will have an international reputation and a record of external
funding. We are particularly interested in applicants focusing on the
mammalian auditory system. Research participation within the DFG-funded
transregional collaborative research centre SFB/TRR 31 âThe Active
Auditory Systemâ and contributions to the International Graduate School
âNeurosensory Science, Systems and Applicationsâ are desired.

The successful applicant will teach courses in the BSc and MSc program
in "biology", in the MSc program "Audiology and Hearing Technology" and
in the PhD program in "Neurosensory Science and Systems". A reduced
teaching load until the end of 2012 allows developing a strong research

Qualifications are specified in Â25 NHG.

Since the Universities of Bremen and Oldenburg have concluded a
cooperation agreement, active contributions to this cooperation are

The Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer. In order to increase the
percentage of female faculty members, female candidates with equal
qualification will be given preference. Applicants with disabilities
will be preferentially considered in case of equal qualification.

Applications including the usual documents (curriculum vitae, list of
publications, certificates, diplomas, and list of previous teaching
activities) should be sent by 16 March 2008 to the Carl von Ossietzky
UniversitÃt, Director of the Institute of Biology and Environmental
Sciences, Faculty V, D-26111 Oldenburg.

PD Dr. Volker Hohmann
Medizinische Physik
FakultÃt V - Institut fÃr Physik
UniversitÃt Oldenburg
D - 26111 Oldenburg, Germany
Tel. (+49) 441 798 5468
FAX  (+49) 441 798 3902
Email: volker.hohmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
WWW: http://medi.uni-oldenburg.de
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