Dear List: There exists excellent opportunities for doctoral
studies in basic and clinical speech, language, and hearing sciences at Thanks, Patrick --------------- Patrick
Wong Assistant
Professor Communication
Sciences and Disorders Email: pwong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx University: Northwestern University, IL, USA Department: Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Job Rank: Graduate (Doctoral) Fellowships Specialty Areas: Auditory Physiology/Neuroscience, Bilingualism,
Cognitive Neuroscience, Complex Systems, Language and Learning Science,
Psychoacoustics, Psycholinguistics, Speech Perception, Speech and Swallowing
Physiology, Neurolinguistics, Translational Research. The Roxelyn and Richard Pepper Department of Communication Sciences and
Disorders at Northwestern University invites applicants for fully funded
(tuition + stipend) doctoral fellowships in interdisciplinary research in
communication sciences. As a founding department of the discipline of
communication sciences, our program consists of basic and
translational/clinical scientists performing cutting-edge research. Some of the research questions being addressed by the faculty include: 1. Neural bases of reading and language development and
disabilities 2. Neurobiology of language recovery in aphasia and other neural
disorders 3. Biological bases and neural plasticity of speech and music 4. Mechanics and molecular genetics of the normal and impaired
cochlear 5. Early conceptual and linguistic development, bilingualism, and
specific language impairment 6. Swallowing and vocal physiology and head and neck cancer 7. Computational modeling of language learning and language
evolution 8. Speech (second language) and auditory perceptual learning and
rehabilitative audiology The Department and University is equipped with state-of-the-art
research and clinical facilities, including MRI scanners, sound-attenuated
chambers for adult and infant testing, multidisciplinary clinics in human
communication and learning disorders, and equipment for electrophysiology and
in-vitro physiology recording, eye-tracking, tissue engineering, optical
imaging, super-computing, and genome sequencing and proteomics. For more information on graduate study, research, and the application
process, visit us online: If you have questions please contact the graduate coordinator, Cindy
Coy at ccoy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |