So the fundamental question is, how can a normal cochlea detect 1 pm and
amplify it a thousand-fold (60 dB) so that we see a 1 nm displacement? I
agree with Martin that it can't, and there has to be some other, larger,
effective stimulus.
Yes, that is the fundamental question, sort of. It's not like there's
some element that detects an "input" of 1 pm and amplifies to an
"output" of 1 nm; rather, there's a distributed amplifier that
multiplies up the power of traveling waves. At the low end of the
range, everything behaves linearly. As long as the noises of the many
hair cells are reasonably uncorrelated, the system will be able to work
to orders of magnitude below the level that would cause a "noticeable"
effect in a single hair cell. Ultimately, the shot noise of ion
channels, averaged over many OHCs, is what will set the sensitivity
limits; there's no "threshold" below which amplification stops working,
the signal just gets down below the noise.