Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 16:48:01 +1000
From: Matt Flax <flatmax@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: To model or not to model - that is the question ? ... was Re: HC
selectivity ... was Re: Physiological models of cochlea activity -
alternatives to the travelling wave
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Martin and others,
Too many neurologists and physiologists find a 'new' part of a cell and
think they have found gold.
The current gold rush is the ribbon synapse.
The process of hearing is a complex multi-disciplinary combination of
mechanics, electromagnetics, neurology and physiology. Not any one
process acts without being affected by the other.
Using one of your publications as an example ... if you will allow me to
put words in your mouth :
We know that the central processes of hearing are statistically
significant [1]. For this reason, the central processes are the process
of hearing.
Unfortunately ... this proves everything and says nothing ... the
significance of your paper makes us look deeper beyond the cochlea -
which I agree with ... however almost nothing exists in nature without
having reason for existing. The process of turning vibration into a
perceived sound takes many many interacting steps. For this reason, the
peripheral mechanisms are as significant as the central mechanisms.
I am a fan of your research into the central processes of hearing ...
however am surprised that you do not like models...
I personally don't like non-physiological models of hearing.
I can see no other way to explain how we hear other then to use
multi-disciplinary physiological models ...