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faculty positions at UCSD

Dear all,

Below are three faculty positions being advertised by the UCSD Psychology Department.

All best,

Diana Deutsch
Professor of Psychology, UCSD

Assistant Professor - Sensation and Perception

SAN DIEGO. The Psychology Department at UCSD (http://psy.ucsd.edu/) invites
applications for an Assistant Professor, tenure track. We hope to attract
applicants with a substantial record of creative accomplishment in research
and/or teaching, but less experienced applicants of outstanding promise will
also be given careful consideration.
Applicants should demonstrate an established interest in any approach to the
analysis of sensory and perceptual processing, including psychophysics,
neurophysiology, neuro-ethology, brain imaging, or mathematical modeling.
Candidates are asked to apply using our online application form,
http://psy.ucsd.edu/facultyjobs.html. Please include a cover letter
mentioning this position specifically; a statement summarizing research
interests and teaching experience; a curriculum vitae including a complete
list of publications; sample reprints of published research; evaluations of
research and teaching (if available); and contact information for at least
three referees. Applicants are also invited to include a summary of
leadership efforts and/or contributions to diversity. Immigration status of
non-citizens should be stated in the vita.
Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and based on published UC
salary scales. Complete applications received by Tuesday, October 31, 2007
will receive full consideration, but applications will be accepted until the
position is filled. UCSD is an EO/AA employer with a strong institutional
commitment to excellence through diversity.

(open rank) Professor - Neuroscience & Behavior

Psychology Department at UCSD (http://psy.ucsd.edu/) invites applications
for tenure-track/tenured position of OPEN RANK (Assistant Professor to
Professor) in neuroscience/biopsychology broadly conceived. Areas of
specialization within behavioral and systems neuroscience include, but are
not limited to, neural mechanisms of perception, learning/memory,
motivation, sociality, or motor control, animal behavior, behavior analysis,
neuroethology, neuroendocrinology, behavioral genetics, neurophysiology,
psychopharmacology, etc. The successful applicant will be encouraged to
affiliate with the various interdisciplinary neuroscience programs and
communities of interest at UCSD. Salary will be commensurate with
qualifications and based on published UC salary scales. Candidates should
submit letter, curriculum vita, research statement, reprints and names of
three referees, via our online application
http://psy.ucsd.edu/facultyjobs.html. Applicants are also invited to include
a summary of leadership efforts and/or contributions to diversity.
Immigration status of non-citizens should be stated in the vita. Complete
applications received by October 15, 2007 will receive full consideration,
but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. UCSD is an
EO/AA employer with a strong institutional commitment to excellence through

Assistant Professor - Cognitive Psychology

Department at UCSD (http://psy.ucsd.edu/) invites applications for an
Assistant Professor, tenure track. We are interested in applicants with
expertise in any area of cognitive psychology and are especially interested
in those who specialize in the psychology of language. Salary will be
commensurate with qualifications and based on published UC salary scales.
Candidates should submit letter, curriculum vita, research statement,
reprints, and names of three referees via our online application
http://psy.ucsd.edu/facultyjobs.html specifically mentioning this position.
Teaching evaluations (if available) should also be sent. Applicants are also
invited to include a summary of leadership efforts and/or contributions to
diversity. Immigration status of non-citizens should be stated in the vita.
Complete applications received by October 31, 2007 will receive full
consideration, but applications will be accepted until the position is
filled. UCSD is an EO/AA employer with a strong institutional commitment to
excellence through diversity.

These jobs are posted at http://psy.ucsd.edu/facultyjobs.html. Anyone interested can apply online at http://ssfacrecruit.ucsd.edu/psy0708/login.php