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How much is needed for sound identification ?
Dear List members,
We are currently running several experiments on environmental sounds
identification vs image identification.
The literature in hearing seems to be quite poor whereas a lot of work
have been done in the visual domain.
Does anybody have know studies that tried to measure how long of a sound
is needed to get the identification of the sound ("it's a bird") or get
it's super-ordonate category ("it's an animal") ?
Thanks in advance for any references.
Sylvain Clément
Neuropsychology & Auditory Cognition Team
Lille, France
JE Neuropsychologie et Cognition Auditive (JE 2497)
UFR de Psychologie
BP 60149, Universite Ch. de Gaulle Lille 3
Domaine universitaire "Pont de Bois"
59 653 Villeneuve d'ascq Cedex
tel : (03 20 41) 64 42