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ICMC2007 - Program online

(apologies for multiple posting)


ICMC 2007 - Immersed music

International Computer Music Conference

Aug. 27-Sept.1, 2007. Copenhagen, Denmark



Program online

The ICMC scientific program is now online. We have received a tremendous amount of papers. For the first time, the ICMC proceedings will be divided into two volumes.

ICMC2007 is a popular event

The preparations for ICMC2007 is progressing rapidly. The interest on international level for participation has been overwhelming, and we have received more than 800 articles, music, installations and music films.

Planning is well under way

We can promise a lot of unique experiences both in street level, in clubs and concert halls, as well as in and around water and floating in the air - but we shall tell you more about this in future newsletters.

We are also very proud to be able to present Barbara Tillmann and John Chowning as key-note speakers. John Chowning is quite a legend - the inventor of FM-synthesis used in the immensely popular Yamaha DX7 that triggered the digital revolution in music production. Barbara Tillmann is an internationally recognized expert on cognition and music.

Financial backing

A great many funds and foundations are making ICMC2007 possible. We are proud to announce the support from The Danish Art Council, Bikubenfonden, Tuborgfonden, The Production Funds in The Danish Composers' Society, Dansk Artist Forbund, The Culture Funds in Copenhagen City, The Sonning Foundation, SAS, Cycling74 and Genelec.

We are grateful for the backing and are looking forward to some unique days on danish soil.


The ICMC2007 team



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