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Re: source directivity measurements

Good morning Charles,

the following book has a lot of directivity patterns for different musical instruments:
Jürgen Meyer: /Akustik und musikalische Aufführungspraxis/. 5 Edition, PPV Medien GmbH, 2005

Although the book is in german, the pictures with the directivity pattern should be quiet international.

Stefan Kerber

Michelle C. Vigeant schrieb:
Hi Charles,

Source directivity is the topic my dissertation!

The PTB website has lots of directivity data, but the website doesn't produce a direct link. Go to the site and then type "directivity" into the search menu. Working group 1.73 has the data.



On 6/22/07, *charles verron* <charles.verron@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:charles.verron@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hi list,

    I'm a PhD student in spatialized sound synthesis. I am looking for 3D
    directivity measurements of sound sources like bells, musical
    instruments, plates, or any sounding object…
    These real measurements would be useful to investigate the role that
    source directivity can take in the sound synthesis process. I would
    really appreciate if anybody can point me towards such measurements.

    Thanks a lot for any help,


Stefan Kerber
Lehrstuhl für Mensch Maschine Kommunikation
AG Technische Akustik
Technische Universität München

Adress: Arcisstr. 21, 80290 München
Phone: +49 (0)89 289-28539
Fax:   +49 (0)89 289-28535
Home: http://www.mmk.ei.tum.de/~kes