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Re: Non-phonological stimuli

Dear Livia,

In the past I have used reversed speech as non-linguistic stimuli.
Systematically, subjects reported that they heard these sounds as such (for instance, frog-calls, mechanical sounds (machine-like) or just random noises.) More importantly none of the subjects in our experiments reported a language related stimuli. Obviously, such a stimuli preserve all the relevant properties of speech.
I would be very interested to learn about the replies you might get from the list.



Livia King wrote:
Dear List,

I am doing a project involving phonological processing using auditory
words and pseudowords.  I am trying to find a good non-phonological
control stimulus that does not contain recognizable phonemes, but
still has similar characteristics and complexity to speech.  An ideal
solution would be some kind of filtering or distortion that I could
apply to my existing word stimuli so that each word is matched with
its own control, but I would be open to independently generated
stimuli as well.  I have tried playing the words backwards, and have
experimented a little with band pass filtering, but the results still
end up sounding too "phonological."  Does anyone know of better
options?  Since we're doing a matching task, each control stimulus
would also have to be unique sounding enough for our subjects to
Thank you in advance,
Livia King
'Life is short but wide'

Heriberto Avelino
Department of Linguistics
1203 Dwinelle Hall,
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-2650

Phone: (510) 642-2757
Fax: (510) 643-5688
skype: betito_cute