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Postdoc position in Denmark: Music Databases
Postdoc in database technologies for music information retrieval
At the Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University,
Denmark, a position as postdoctoral researcher in database
technologies is open for appointment starting September 1, 2007
or soon after.
Job description:
The Center for Data-intensive Systems
(see http://daisy.aau.dk for additional information)
in the Department of Computer Science is looking for a
talented postdoctoral researcher to participate in the research
project "Intelligent Sound." The position is initially for one year.
The applicant should hold a Ph.D. in computer science or a closely
related field and have an excellent track record in one or more
of the following areas:
• Music information retrieval
• Multimedia databases
• Multidimensional databases
• Database indexing and query processing
The position is funded by the Danish Research Council for Technology
and Production and will focus on aspects of database technologies
for music information retrieval. The topic of the research program
is representation, search, and retrieval of multimedia information,
including music, speech, and natural sound.
The "Intelligent Sound" project is a collaborative effort carried out
between the Technical University of Denmark and Aalborg University.
For more details consult http://www.intelligentsound.org
The application deadline is June 1, 2007.
Further information about the position and the application
procedure can be found at http://stillinger.aau.dk/vis.php?nr=3491
Or contact Professor Christian S. Jensen,
phone +45 9635 8900, e-mail: csj@xxxxxxxxx
Prof. Lars Kai Hansen
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling
Technical University of Denmark B321
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby - DENMARK
Tel: (+45) 45253889 Fax: (+45) 45872599
Email: lkh @ imm.dtu.dk
Gmail: lars.kai.hansen@xxxxxxxxx
WWW: www.imm.dtu.dk/~lkh