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Sound and Music Computing in Europe: the Workshop
Apologies for cross-posting
Sound and Music Computing in Europe: the Workshop
organised by the Future and Emerging Technologies - FET-Open (F2),
European Commission, Information Society and Media Directorate-General
in collaboration with the S2SÂ Coordination Action - FET-Open FP6-03773
April 16 2007, Tour Madou, Place Madou, 1 Bruxelles
Sound and Music Computing (SMC) is a highly interdisciplinary domain
that is at the core of the ICT-innovation in cultural and creative
industries of modern Europe. Sound and Music Computing has inherited the
glorious artistic, scientific and technological history of
Electroacoustic and Computer Music which it expands into innovative
realms such as artificial cognition, neurosciences and interaction
This Sound and Music Computing Workshop is the first occasion, in the
European Context, to show to a composite public the achievements and
results of a highly interdisciplinary domain such as that of Sound and
Music Community. The workshop will be the occasion for the launch of the
SMC Research Roadmap written by the S2SÂ Consortium
(http://www.soundandmusiccomputing.org/roadmap) and targeted at the
growth and expansion of the community at large. The Sound and Music
Computing Workshop will provide an occasion to meet the key researchers
in this field and catch a glimpse of what medium and longer term
research will bring to cultural and creative industries.
True to its interdisciplinary nature, the Sound and Music Computing
Workshop will include scientific presentations, policy maker's
guidelines, roadmapping discussions and even a musical performance with
new and extraordinary instruments. This broad range of activities of the
Sound will appeal to a wide public ranging from the research specialist
to the curious layman, from the R&D engineer to the contemporary
In view of the upcoming ICT call for projects, this Sound and Music
Computing Workshop will also be open to presentations of SMC-related
project submissions. Interested parties should submit their slides in
Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) or MS-PowerPoint (.ppt) format to
finalevent@xxxxxxxx (4 slides maximum including the cover page). The
deadline for submission is Friday April 13th, 2007 at 17:00.
The participation to the Workshop is free of charge but a registration
is required. To register, please go to the registration page
and register. The deadline for registration is Friday April 13th, 2007
at 17:00.
* 09:00-12:30:
o SMC Workshop Mission Statement
o FET-Open Head of Unit Opening (to be announced)
o EC Commissioner Discourse (to be announced)
o S2SÂ Roadmap Launch
o Invited Speakers:
+ Prof.Isabelle Peretz on SMC Research in Canada
+ Prof.Shuji Hashimoto on SMC Research in Japan
* 12:30-14:00 Buffet Lunch
* 14:00:17:30
o Presentations by European key players
o Short presentation of upcoming research project submissions
o Live Performance (ReacTable Quartet, 30-45 Mins.)
o Conclusions on future calls, with indications for
2009-2010 Strategic Objectives inclusions
You may go back to the announcement page:
for updates on the Workshop Program.