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A Postdoctoral Research Training Position will be available in the Speech and Hearing Sciences Training Program at the University of Washington as early as October 1, 2007. The goal of the postdoctoral training program is to provide cross-disciplinary training to outstanding individuals who have recently received a PhD degree in Communication Sciences or in a related field. Candidates must be interested in extending their research training in a related new field. The University of Washington has a highly rated Speech and Hearing Department as well as outstanding research-oriented medical departments and well-funded research centers such as the Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center, the Institute for Language and Brain Sciences, and the Center for Human Development and Disability. Training grant preceptors are members of the departments of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Psychology, Biology, Otolaryngology, Orthodontics, Physiology and Biophysics, and Rehabilitation Medicine. A list of preceptors and contact information can be found on our website http://depts.washington.edu/sphsc/resrch_training . Candidates must contact and secure the support of a mentor prior to formal application to the program. Candidates should submit a CV, a 3-page description of the proposed postdoctoral research training, 2 letters of recommendation and a letter of support from the proposed mentor. Applications should be submitted to Lynne Werner, Training Program Director, Dept. Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Washington, 1417 N.E. 42nd Street, Seattle WA 98105-6246 or electronically to lawerner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . Priority will be given to applications received before May 1, 2007; however, applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled.

Lynne Werner
Dept. Speech and Hearing Sciences
University of Washington
1417 N.E. 42nd Street
Seattle, WA 98105-6246
(Campus Box 354875)
206 543 8290