Best wishes for the new year.
1. Musical vs everyday listening (2)
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 11:46:22 +0000 From: Peter Lennox <P.Lennox@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Musical vs everyday listening
I've experimented with sending audio engineering students on soundwalks. Most come back reporting that they never realised ust how much they ignore. They also realise within about 30 minutes how incomplete are the theories of hearing that they have so far encountered.
I've been nibbling away (for 20 years!) at the concept of "music-as-environment", using ambisonics, WFS, etc. The idea of a piece of spatial music that one can be inside, and can navigate and explore, fascinates me - it seems somewhat distinct from the notion of music in an environment, although the boundary is naturally blurred, i think.
One thing that has come up from this discussion is that it seems likely that once some perception of musicality has been evoked, it would take a good deal to suppress it. have to think more about that.
Dr. Peter Lennox S.P.A.R.G. Signal Processing Applications Research Group University of Derby Int. tel: 1775