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Re: Reading versus books on tape

There was a study published in 1999 about auditory study in HE:

Author = {P. Ghesquiere},
Journal = {Journal of Visual Impairment \& Blindness},
Month = {January},
Pages = {40--45},
Title = {The Significance of Auditory Study to University Students who are Blind},
Year = {1999}}

I cant recall the details and dont have a copy at hand, but it compared different ways of learning in University courses.


On 6 Jul 2006, at 08:51, tony stockman wrote:

Hello Ken,

Sorry i'm not aware of any work on this, but anecdotally I believe for myself at any rate, as a blind person and having used braille since primary school, braille reading is more effective for learning than listening to tape. I felt this so strongly in the final year of my degree course in Computing, that I brailled Lister's book on operating systems from a tape edition in order that I could read it.

It would indeed be interesting to hear of any studies on this, for print or braille reading, and also any influence on comprehension and attention if the recording is structured, as in for example the DAISY standard which allows books to be easily navigated by chapter, section etc.

Best wishes,

Tony Stockman (University of London)

-----Original Message-----
From: AUDITORY Research in Auditory Perception [mailto:AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ken Grant
Sent: 06 July 2006 03:22
To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Reading versus books on tape

Does anyone know whether there are measurable differences in comprehension and/or retention between reading books and listening to books (assuming the book on tape is a verbatim aural reproduction of the book)?

Ken Grant

work: 202-782-8596
fax: 202-782-9228
