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[ANN] REMINDER: ACM Audio and Music Computing for Multimedia Workshop Deadline JULY 5

This is a reminder that the paper submission deadline for the ACM MM
Workshop on Audio and Music Computing for Multimedia is less than two
weeks away: *** JULY 5 *** (a Wednesday).

NEWS: The workshop papers will be included in the ACM MM proceedings CD,
and will be published in the ACM digital library.  The program committee
has been posted, and the online submission system is now linked to the
workshop website - http://www.create.ucsb.edu/amcmm06 .



Workshop on Audio and Music Computing for Multimedia (AMCMM '06)
Hosted by ACM Multimedia 2006, Santa Barbara, California, USA
October 27, 2006

Multimedia is usually defined as the combination of text, graphics,
full-motion video, and sound into an integrated application. The final
frontier, sound, which includes general-purpose audio, music, and
speech, is an integral, but often neglected, component of the field.
Traditionally, the audio and the image research communities have
developed independently, and almost in perfect isolation one with
another. Even though there exist many important audio conferences and
societies, general venues such as the ACM Multimedia Conference still
attract relatively low participation from the audio and music community.
Our goal is to set a new trend of active contribution by the audio and
music community through the initiating of a workshop on Audio and Music
Computing for Multimedia (AMCMM), specifically targeted to researchers
in this community. 

ACM Multimedia is the preeminent gathering of multimedia practitioners
from around the world. Its unique interleaving of researchers from
different fields, and of artists, creates a perfect forum for addressing
all aspects of multimedia computing: from enabling technologies to
applications, from theoretical foundations to experimental systems and
art, and from servers to network devices to human-computer interfaces.
In this context, we invite your participation in the first Audio and
Music Computing for Multimedia (AMCMM '06) workshop.

We seek high-quality and original papers that together present an
eloquent and wide-ranging overview of the latest groundbreaking research
in the field. For broad impact, we will encourage papers that combine a
comprehensive overview of advances in a particular area with
descriptions of innovative and original research. We also encourage
contributions related to the use of Audio and Music Computing in
Multimedia applications or environments.

Topics can include, but are not limited to, any of the following in the

    * Digital Audio Signal Computing
    * Audio and Music Analysis and Synthesis
    * Audio and Music Streaming and Encoding
    * Audio- and Music-centered Multimedia Tools and Applications
    * Interactive Audio and Music Systems
    * Audio in Virtual Environments and Augmented Reality Applications
    * Music in Virtual Environments in Games and Other Applications
    * Music Information Retrieval
    * Audio Surveillance Systems
    * Virtual and 3D Audio

The workshop will also feature special sessions and keynotes that will
be of relevance and interest to the general multimedia community, so as
to foster a better understanding of the unique challenges and problems
of interest in the audio realm. The proposed AMCMM workshop will be held
in the last day of the conference. 

Important Dates:

    July   5 2006 - paper deadline
    July 25 2006 - notification of acceptance
    August   5 2006 - camera-ready papers due
    August 12 2006 - advance registration deadline 

Workshop Chairs:

    Xavier Amatriain (University of California Santa Barbara)
    Elaine Chew (University of Southern California)
    Jonathan Foote (Rotorbrain Industries)

For further details and updates, please see the conference website at
http://www.create.ucsb.edu/amcmm06 .

 *    Dr. Xavier Amatriain       *
 *  Associate Director - MATi    *
 *  Research Director - CREATE   *
 *    UCSB, Santa Barbara CA     *
 *      1-(805)- 893 83 52       *