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REMINDER: DMRN-06: Call for paper abstracts and pieces



DMRN-06: DMRN Doctoral Research Conference 2006

Goldsmiths College, University of London
22 - 23 July 2006


Following the success of last summer's event in Glasgow, the Digital Music Research Network is pleased to announce this years conference aimed at promoting the work of doctoral researchers in the field of digital music.

This conference is organised by and primarily designed for those who have not yet gathered full results to support their theses, but whose work is nonetheless at a stage where it could prove interesting to other researchers. The conference proceedings will be documented, providing an excellent opportunity to secure a first publication.

Those that fit this description may not be subscribed to all of the usual lists, so please pass this call on to anyone likely to be interested.

Call for Paper Abstracts

Submissions will initially take the form of an extended abstract of between 500-750 words giving an overview of the intended content. In addition to this, primary authors are asked to indicate their status as one of the following:

Young researcher (year of PhD study)
Research assistant (year PhD obtained)
Other (please specify)
Although paper acceptance will depend on relevance to the conference and academic merit, preference will be given to those submissions where the primary author is a doctoral researcher.

Authors will be invited to present their work either by oral presentation (20 minutes) or as a poster. The conference committee will decide this allocation; however, authors may specify a preference when submitting their abstract.

The DMRN Doctoral Researcher's Conference 2006 solicits contributions from the following topics:

Digital music content generation
Sound synthesis, virtual instruments
Audio analysis: machine recognition of music
Signal processing tools for music analysis
Music data structures and representations
Music notation, musicology
Psychoacoustics, perception, cognition of music and audio
Human computer interfacing for music and audio
Non-western musicology, analysis and performance
Aesthetic Attitudes in Compositional Practice
Abstracts should be emailed to hamish.allan@xxxxxxxxxx no later than Wednesday 31st May 2006. Authors will receive email confirmation of whether their proposal has been successful by Friday 9th June 2006.

Authors will then be asked to submit a camera-ready version of their paper (in PDF format) by Friday 30th June 2006. Latex and Word templates are available on the website. Final PDF submissions should not exceed 4 pages. Guidelines on creating PDF files can be found on the website.

Call for Pieces

The Digital Music Research Network invites the submission of musical pieces to be performed in during the DMRN Summer Conference 2006.

The conference aims to promote pieces by young and professional composers, born or living in the United Kingdom, that use digital technology in their creative process. Pieces will be scheduled into either the main conference concert or a composition workshop. The conference committee will decide this allocation however composers may specify a preference when submitting their work.

Pieces selected for the main concert will be performed through an 8- channel loudspeaker system in the Great Hall at Goldsmiths College. In contrast, the composition workshop will be a chaired session, and composers will be expected to contribute to discussion regarding their work. All composers participating should attend the conference and perform their pieces themselves.

Submissions should take the following format and fulfil all conditions in order to be eligible:

Acousmatic pieces:
format: audio CD
duration: no less than 5 minutes and no longer than 15 minutes
provide a technical description of requirements for the performance
biography of the composer and program notes
The conference committee will consider multi-channel works; submission should be in stereo format with a description of technical requirements and map showing speaker configuration. Works involving a performer will also be considered although allocation is subject to technical and performance availability. Submission of this type should take the following format:

Mixed pieces:
works for soloist and electronics (tape + instrument or live- electronics)
pieces duration: more than 5 minutes and no longer than 15 minutes
recording of the piece and score
provide a detailed technical description of requirements for the performance of the piece
biography of the composer and program notes

Wednesday 31st May 2006 - Deadline for submissions of pieces
Friday 9th June 2006 - Notification of acceptance of pieces

Submissions should be sent to:

Adam Stansbie
70A Fountain Road
SW17 0HQ


Submissions of paper abstracts and pieces: 31 May 2006
Notification of acceptance (papers and pieces) :9 June 2006
Submission of camera ready full papers: 30 June 2006


The conference will be held at Goldsmiths College, University of London.

For further information, see http://www.dmrn.org/events/dmrn06/