Hi all,
I am not sure if I've only not come across it, or if there really isn't
much out there on
Combining an ADAPTIVE tracking with a SAME or DIFFERENT decision (where
there are equal numbers of same and different trials) - NOT with an ODD
ONE OUT decision (where there is always a, albeit declining,
My best guess at the moment is that a classical 2 down 1 up tracking
algorithm for example could be turned into a 1 different and 1 same
correct (hit and correct rejection) to get one level down and, 1 wrong,
be it same or different (false alarm or miss), to move one level up.
Thanks a lot for any comments and references on this!
Manon Grube
Research Associate
Auditory Research Group
Medical School
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Framlington Place
phone + 44 191 222 3445