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Re: EEG signals

Dea Vicsi,

I have an acoustical background, and for my master thesis I worked along with a friend from biomedical engineering in a topic very close to the task you have. We measured EEG signals on people while they were performing a sound localization task in an anechoic environment. We could actually observe some components, such as the N100 (or N1), in the event-related potential responses we obtained. We analyzed the data by looking at how the latency and amplitude of this component changed as a function of sound direction. The idea was to see whether there was any correlation between the direction of the sound and how these parameters varied. It was a very interesting experience but we couldn't observe any real specific pattern. If you are interested on further details about this thesis please contact me.
For more information on this topic I suggest you to a look at the work done by Kalle Palomäki at Helsinki University of Technology. His doctoral research was related to cortical processing of spatial sound. Here is a link http://lib.tkk.fi/Diss/2005/isbn9512277174/



Pablo Faundez Hoffmann
Ph.D. Student
Department of Acoustics
Aalborg University
Frederik Bajers Vej 7 B5
DK-9220 Aalborg

office: B4-201
phone: (+45) 96 35 87 28
fax: (+45) 98 15 21 44
email: pfh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pfh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Vicsi Klara wrote:
Dear Colleagues,

I am the head of a Laboratory of Speech Acoustics. We have got a task, the object of which is unfamiliar to us. This task would be to reason out if it is possible to find out, by analysis of the EEG signals from a person, which sound source he is concentrates on, in a multi-source space. Also, we had to turn out how the brain reflects the changes in the location of the sound-source, or the switching the attention from one to another sound source.
We are going to run the experiments in our an-echoing chamber.
Have somebody prepared similar experiments? Do you think, it is possible to get usable answers to the above questions by this way?
Or can somebody advice other methods to study these problems?

Waiting for your advices
Thank you in advance

Klara Vicsi

Klara Vicsi, PhD.
Head of the Laboratory of Speech Acoustics
Dept. of Telecommunications and Telematics
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest, XI.
Sztoczek u. 2.

tel:36-1-4631940, tel:36-1-4631886
e-mail address: vicsi@xxxxxxxxxxx
home page: http://alpha.tmit.bme.hu/speech/