In cooperation with the Danish hearing aid industry, the department Ørsted?DTU at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has established a Centre for Applied Hearing Research at DTU, The centre has a dynamic, multi-disciplinary, international research staff of about 15 scientific staff members, including PhD students and postdocs. As part of a project investigating speech communication among normal and hearing-impaired listeners, we seek an exceptional individual to join the research team. The successful applicant will collect and analyze perceptual data, and will also be involved in modelling the results in terms of auditory processes. The appointment begins not before 1 June 2006 and will last 30 months. Individuals with a quantitative background in computer science, engineering or physics are particularly encouraged to apply. Proficient programming skills are essential. Applications for the position should contain a cover letter describing the applicant's research interests as well as a detailed resume consisting of the applicant's educational background, a list of publications and the names of three professional references. Candidates should have a master's degree in engineering or a similar degree and academic qualifications equivalent to the PhD level. The materials that should be given consideration in the assessment must be enclosed. The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current collective agreement for Danish University faculty members. Further information may be obtained from Head of Centre, Professor Torsten Dau, tel.: +45 45 25 39 36, email: tda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are requested to apply. The application with enclosures in triplicate must be received no later than 21 April 2006 at 12.00 noon and sent to: Professor Erik Bruun, Head of Department Ørsted?DTU Technical University of Denmark Building 348 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark -------------------------------------------- Posted by: Thomas Ulrich Christiansen, PhD, Post Doc., Centre for Applied Hearing Research, Ørsted?DTU, Acoustic Technology, Building 352, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark Phone: +45 4525 3974 Fax: +45 4588 0577 e-mail: tuc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Web:
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