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Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to 9th International
Congress of Behavioral Medicine "Bridging Behavior
and Health-Connecting the Hemispheres" 9th-ICBM
2006, which will be held in November 29-December 2,
2006 in Bangkok, Thailand.

The main topics of the Conference are:
- Adherence;
- Aging;
- Infectious Diseases/SARS/HIV/AIDS;
- Alcohol / Smoking / Substance Abuse;
- Genetics/Environmental Interactions;
- Cancer;
- Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Disorders;
- Childhood & Adolescence;
- Cross Track and Other;
- Diabetes, Metabolism, Nutrition, Obesity, and Eating
- Women's and Reproductive Health;
- Health Behaviors;
- Health Education, Promotion;
- Health Systems, Policy and Economics;
- Illness/Illness Affect/Illness Behavior;
- Measurement and Methods Maria;
- Pain, Musculoskeletal and Neuromuscular Disorders;
- Physical Activity;
- Somatoform Disorders/Chronic Fatigue/Medically
Unexplained Symptoms;
- Psychophysiological Disorders & Sleep;
- Screening and Early Detection;
- Socioeconomic Factors, Culture ,& Health;
- Stress, Psychophysiology/PNI/PNE;
- Violence, Victimization, and PTSD;
- Work Related Health;


- 1 August 2005: Opening of on-line abstract
- 1 December 2005: Deadline for Workshop Submission
- 1 March 2006: Deadline for abstract submissions,
Symposias, Paper and Poster.
- 15 June 2006 Deadline for early registration
- 1 September 2006: Deadline for submitting rapid
communication posters.

The Governing Council of ISBM will present up to ten
Early Career Awards, each in the value of USD 500, to
assist behavioral medicine scientists early in their
career to attend the 9th ICBM. The awards will be
distributed at one of the congress ceremonies.


For all enquiries related to the Program Committee of
9th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine,
please contact:

*Brian Oldenburg, Ph.D.,*

Professor, School of Public Health & Regional Director,
Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health,
Queensland University of Technology,
Queensland 4059 Australia;
PHONE +617-38643925
FAX + 617-38649693
Emai l : b.oldenburg@xxxxxxxxxx

For all enquiries related to the Local Organizing
Committee of 9th International Congress of Behavioral
Medicine, please contact:

*Naiphinich Kotchabhakdi, Ph.D.*

(President of Thai Society of Behavioral Medicine,
Chairman of LOC), Neuroscience, Mahidol University,
Email: scnkc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

We wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !

Wichian Sittiprapaporn, Ph.D.

Electroneurophysiology Laboratory
Neuro-Behavioural Biology Center
Mahidol University, Salaya
Nakhon Pathom 73170

Telephone +(662) 441-9321
Fax +(662) 441-9743
Mobile +(661) 444-0261
Email: wichian.sittiprapaporn@xxxxxxxxx
Email: stwst@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Web: http://neuroscience.mahidol.ac.th