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concept of representation in the speech sciences (trying again)



In my opiniom concepts involving representations are too obscure in the

speech sciences. I have got the impression that authors are often telling

about different things by employing the same words.

At the moment I am struggling  with questions concerning the demarcation

line (or grey zone) between phonetic and phonologtical representations.

However my attempts have been virtualy unsuccesful. It seems that tare is no

great concern in clearing up this concepts in spite of the overspread use of

the terms (or maybe I am looking for answers in the wrong places)

In speech neurosciences, for exemple, with few exceptions, we never know

exactly what does one means by the term "representation", and it gets even

worse when it is associated with the words "phonological" or "phonetic".


I would appreciate some commentaries and indications of interesting papers.

