Dear List
I am looking for available databases of instruments to use in research.
I have found three: McGill, RWC, Iowa. Are there any others? And does anyone know if RWC separates vibrato and non vibrato pieces?
McGill US$50 Clearly describes recording methods Variety of styles (loudness, vibrato, etc.) but does not appear to be an exhaustive corpus Does not differentiate different instruments, performers, (near as I can tell) 2 DVDs
RWC US$150 Designed for research Differentiates performers, (3), instrument manufacturer, Loudness, (3 levels). Differentiates vibrato and non vibrato? Huge - 12 DVDs
Iowa Free Online Variety of instruments Has some vibrato/non vibrato pieces of the same instrument. Does not differentiate different instruments, performers. Loudness (3 levels)
Jerry Gregoire |