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Re: Pitch and Music

Dear Vidya,

in music the pitch is mostly assumed to be F0, this is more or less acceptable when dealing with classical music (XVIIth ? XIXth c.) but things are sometime more ambiguous in contemporary music (see Murail in particular). You may find more info from the following non-exhaustive list:

MMK : [Mensh-Maschine-Kommunikation], Technische Universität München, Germany - http://www.mmk.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de/index_e.html
Ernst Terhardt ? Perception of Auditory Pitch

Computer Music Centre, Columbia University, New York, US ? http://music.columbia.edu/cmc/
Tristan Murail ? Orchestration and computer music
Fred Lerdahl ? Tonal pitch space

UCSD Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego,
USA ? http://www-psy.ucsd.edu/
Diana Deutsch ? musical perception

Ircam : [Institute of Research Coordination Acoustics / Music], Paris, France -
http://www.ircam.fr/index-e.html , ftp://ftp.ircam.fr/
Jeremy Marozeau ? effect of the fundamental frequency on the timbre of musical sound

The Neurosciences Institute, San Diego, USA ? http://vesicle.nsi.edu/
Aniruddh D. Patel ? Pitch perception, neurophysiology of music

Neuroscience of music, Karlstad, Sweden ? http://w1.570.telia.com/~u57011259/
Martin Braun ? Pitch and harmony detection in the auditory midbrain [Gamelan]

Acoustics/ Psychoacoustics, MSU Physics and Astronomy Department, Michigan
State University ? http://www.pa.msu.edu/acoustics/
William M. Hartmann ? Pitch perception

Centre for the Neural Basis of Hearing (CNBH), Physiology Department,
University of Cambridge, UK ? http://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/cnbh/
Roy D. Patterson ? Primary Auditory Cortex, Pitch [see PDF files]


Frédéric Maintenant

> From: Vidya Ganesh <vganesh@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: 2005/04/19 Tue PM 05:13:06 GMT
> To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Pitch and Music
> Dear Auditory List members,
> A relatively naive question:
> Pitch and music are sometimes used inter-changeably. Good pitch perception is important for good musical
> perception, but what is the difference between pitch and music? Is it that pitch only refers to the perceptual
> attribute of freqeuency while music perception requires not only to pitch perception, but melody, rythm and timbral
> perception? Could I have your thoughts please?
> Regards,
>      Vidya
> --
> Vidya Ganesh                          | Office: G-16, Heavilon Hall
> Dept of Audiology & Speech Sciences   | Ph: 494-3806
> 500 Oval Drive                        | E-mail: vganesh@xxxxxxxxxx
> West Lafayette, IN 47907-2038

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