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MIREX 2005: call for participation

MIREX 2005    2nd Annual Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange
September 11-15, 2005 London, UK


DEADLINE FOR EXTENDED ABSTRACTS                September 2, 2005

The 2nd Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange will take place
during the 6th ISMIR Conference in London, UK, September 11-15, 2005.
The goal of this contest is to compare state-of-the-art algorithms and
systems relevant for Music Information Retrieval.

We are issuing a call for participation regarding nine tasks:
- audio artist identification,
- audio drum detection,
- audio genre classification,
- audio melody extraction,
- audio onset detection,
- audio tempo extraction,
- audio and symbolic key finding,
- symbolic genre classification,
- symbolic melodic similarity.
Descriptions of the evaluation procedures and the test collections for
all tasks are available on the MIREX Wiki at
http://www.music-ir.org/mirexwiki/. Small changes might occur before
definitive descriptions are published soon.

Submission comprises three stages.

1) Before June 12, 2005
Participants email Emmanuel Vincent at emmanuel.vincent@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
stating which tasks they intend to participate in. Tasks with three
participants or less will be cancelled.

2) Before June 26, 2005
Participants email Emmanuel Vincent at emmanuel.vincent@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
with their algorithm and a 1-page abstract of their method. General
guidelines regarding the algorithm submission format are available on
http://www.music-ir.org/mirexwiki/index.php/MIREX_Frameworks. Specific
guidelines for each task will be added soon. All usual formats such as
binaries, MATLAB, M2K, Python, Java, C++ and Shell scripts will be
accepted. Submission of results instead of algorithms may be allowed for
some participants after discussion with the committee.

Results will be released by the committee as soon as possible for each
task, and tentatively before July 18, 2005 for all tasks. Meanwhile
abstracts will be reviewed by the committee regarding their legibility
and suggested additions emailed to the authors.

3) Before September 2, 2005
Participants write an extended abstract including evaluation results and
send it to Emmanuel Vincent at emmanuel.vincent@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A
minimal length of 3 pages is suggested. If needed, abstracts may be
explicitly minor rewrites of previous articles. Abstracts will be
published unaltered in the online MIREX proceedings.

All participants will have the opportunity to present a poster about
their method during a special poster session of the ISMIR conference.
Collaborative posters written by several participants will be
particularly welcome. Results and perspectives will be discussed during
a panel session following the poster session. Note however that
attendance to ISMIR is not required for participation.

We are looking forward to your contributions!

The MIREX organizing committee.


Interested individuals are encouraged to join the MIREX mailing list at
For more information, please see the MIREX 2005 website at
http://www.music-ir.org/evaluation/MIREX/ and the ISMIR 2005 website at